Research led by a leading expert on the positive benefits of napping suggests that Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep enhances creative problem-solving.
Creativity is not instantaneous, but if incentives promote enough ideas as seeds for thought, creativity eventually emerges. Find out a big creative workaround here!
Employees who pursue creative activities outside of work may find that these activities boost their performance on the job.
Researchers had students think up solutions to problems while acting out various metaphors about creative thinking - and found that the instructions actually worked.
Why do "Aha!" moments sometimes come easily - and sometimes not at all?
But after studying common roadblocks to problem-solving, a cognitive psychology researcher has developed a toolkit for enhancing anyone's skills.
Many people who are new to entrepreneurship approach the world of business in some rather funky ways.
How many times have you spent hours slaving over an impossible problem, only to take a break and then easily solve the problem, sometimes within minutes of looking at it again?