It turns out passion is not as elusive as we think.
It’s very simple: your MIT is the task you most want or need to get done today.
Think big. Live to the max. Change the world. These high-flying statements are meant to encourage us to achieve great things with our lives. But, rather than being an inspiration, do such huge goals just leave you feeling overwhelmed instead?
Keep refreshing your goals in your mind, so you think about them often. Here are some ways to do just that.
Many people aren't aware that when they begin to make a name for themselves, they are creating a brand… and what’s more, that brand becomes hard to change once it’s become established in people’s minds.
What makes someone a great leader? Here are 11 important factors of leadership that stay the same from decade to decade, century to century.
Few people know the secret of Ford's success, and those who do know are too modest to speak of it, because of its simplicity.
One of the keys to happiness -- as well as productivity and effectiveness at work -- is finding work you love, that you’re passionate about. Work you want to do, instead of just have to do.
Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches.
A big part of self-discipline comes from social pressure. This is how people in the military can become very disciplined, particularly in special forces. They don’t want to hold their team back, so they have to do their best.
To truly tap into your creative nature, you only have to realize one thing...
What an extremely tough thing for teens to figure out: What should you do with your future?
When people consider a particular goal, they often worry about the time commitment: 'If I start a business now, it could take years to make it profitable.' Such thoughts reveal a total misunderstanding of the nature of time.
Let’s say you have an agenda, and every time one of you wandered off the agenda, you forced yourself to get back on it. Would the conversation be better or worse, with a set outcome?
If you don’t believe you’ll succeed, then some parts of you will resist your goal, and your progress will be frustratingly slow.
The prolific life has been characterized by abundant inventiveness and limitless creativity, and has been enshrouded in a veil of mystery - the sources of artistic inventiveness are too often viewed as out-of-reach for the average person.
Everyone is essentially self-employed -- and that even if you're an employee, you should think of yourself as the President of your own personal services corporation.
If you want to make a difference in the world, the single most important thing you can do is consciously and deliberately choose to do work that you are passionate about.
In the not-too-distant past, young people aspired to become lawyers and doctors. Now they yearn to achieve the celebrity of a Mark Zuckerberg or Oprah Winfrey -- and these goals extend to adults as well.
Too often we get stuck in inaction -- the quagmire of doubt and perfectionism and distractions and planning that stops us from moving forward.
"Over the course of five years, I've managed to pay off over $35,000 in debt, quit my day job, and go from having nothing saved to fully funding my retirement accounts every year. In the process, I've developed a 14-point philosophy."
I've been stuck in a job I hate, and I felt imprisoned, trapped doing work that bored me while following orders of others and helping them achieve their goals.
It’s the lack of starting that kills most tasks and projects.
I'm often asked how you can start doing work you love - how you can make a living doing something you’re passionate about.
We come now to the major faults of leaders who fail, because it is just as essential to know what not to do as it is to know what to do.
When I wrote the first words of my blog, more than five years ago, I had no idea those few keystrokes would change my life.
Fame is attention -- and with enough attention you can generate passive income. Monetizing fame is actually pretty easy.
Research suggests that it is pro athlete's ability to manage his goals, as well as his skill, determination and motivation that makes him successful.
Many people who are new to entrepreneurship approach the world of business in some rather funky ways.
Pride in success can prevent us from taking further action toward our goals. We should not allow our brains to convince us that a failure is a success just so that we can stop trying.