American entrepreneurs pray more frequently, are more likely to see God as personal, and are more likely to attend services in congregations that encourage business and profit-making, according to a study by Baylor University scholars of business and sociology.
For decades, it has been observed that similar people experience divergent success trajectories, with some repeatedly succeeding and others repeatedly failing.
I've been stuck in a job I hate, and I felt imprisoned, trapped doing work that bored me while following orders of others and helping them achieve their goals.
It’s true that you don’t need to create a formal business plan in order to start a business. You can kickstart...
In today's world, many are are engaged in wide, internet-based searches for seed money to launch entrepreneurial ventures. But what guidelines exist as to the best way to go about securing this kind of funding?
From the moment you start-up (when no one has ever heard of you), having a well-rehearsed and compelling elevator pitch can help buyers, clients and potential investors get to know you quickly.
Computer scientists have shown how crowdfunding websites can use data science to boost cash value of donations. Their research confirms,...
"Over the course of five years, I've managed to pay off over $35,000 in debt, quit my day job, and go from having nothing saved to fully funding my retirement accounts every year. In the process, I've developed a 14-point philosophy."