When people feel they’ve hit a roadblock in reaching a personal goal, such as losing weight, a change in perspective...
Do you ever have one of those days when you just can’t seem to find focus?
If you want to be an effective entrepreneur, you should have at least 10 good friends who are already successful entrepreneurs. Few entrepreneurs succeed in isolation, because, business is a social game.
We all know marketing is key to small business survival and success, but it can be overwhelming to know what to do to be an effective marketer.
Gretchen Rubin is a published author who wrote 'The Happiness Project' -- a memoir about how test-driving every principle, tip, theory, and scientific study she could find -- whether from Aristotle or St Therese or Martin Seligman or Oprah.
Everyone is essentially self-employed -- and that even if you're an employee, you should think of yourself as the President of your own personal services corporation.
In the not-too-distant past, young people aspired to become lawyers and doctors. Now they yearn to achieve the celebrity of a Mark Zuckerberg or Oprah Winfrey -- and these goals extend to adults as well.
It's hard to keep yourself going when you don’t feel the same excitement as you did in the beginning.
Too often we get stuck in inaction -- the quagmire of doubt and perfectionism and distractions and planning that stops us from moving forward.
A survey by the Pew Foundation which found that 71 percent of Americans view small business more favorably than any other institutions, including religious organizations.
Whether it's sports, poker or the high-stakes world of business, there are those who always find a way to win when there's money on the table.
People who work hard at improving a skill or ability may experience stress in the moment, but experience greater happiness on a daily basis and longer term. Here's why.
Worried you won't meet your goal? According to research, you'll be more likely to succeed if you make specific plans to implement it.
I've been stuck in a job I hate, and I felt imprisoned, trapped doing work that bored me while following orders of others and helping them achieve their goals.
You might think that a loving partner helps keep you on track -- say, when you want to stick to your jogging or concentrate on your studies.
I'm often asked how you can start doing work you love - how you can make a living doing something you’re passionate about.
When the St Louis Cardinals lost the World Series, just how much shame did the players feel?
What truly inspires individuals to perform at their very best?
When we're waiting in line or sitting in a boring meeting, time seems to slow down to a trickle. And when we get caught up in something completely engrossing - a gripping thriller, for example - we may lose sense of time altogether.
But when a task is presented as fun, researchers report in a new study, the same individuals often do worse than those who are less motivated to achieve.
Even the most motivated of us can feel unmotivated at times. In fact, sometimes we get into such a slump that even thinking about making positive changes seems too difficult.
Research suggests that it is pro athlete's ability to manage his goals, as well as his skill, determination and motivation that makes him successful.
If you think having loads of money, fetching looks, or the admiration of many will improve your life -- think again.
We have all had them as we set and go after our goals, no matter where we are or what our goals may be: naysayers, detractors, people who poke fun or get angry, or who simply tell us we can’t do it.
Pride in success can prevent us from taking further action toward our goals. We should not allow our brains to convince us that a failure is a success just so that we can stop trying.
When asked during an interview how he managed to reach the top as a professional bodybuilder and Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger replied with a single word: "Drive!"
First, you must decide exactly what it is you want to accomplish. And secondly, you must determine what price you'll have to pay to get it, and then resolve to pay that price.
If it feels like one part of your brain is battling another, it probably is, according to a study published in Science.
“Always remember, your focus determines your reality.”
Do you look fondly at the past, enjoy yourself in the present, and strive for future goals? If you hold these time perspectives simultaneously - and don't go overboard on any one of them - you're likely to be a happy person.