If you choose to file your own trademark without the assistance of an attorney, you don't necessarily need to hire someone else to do it for you. Skip the fees and go right to the source.
Organizing can be broken down into a step-by-step process that anyone can follow.
It turns out passion is not as elusive as we think.
Tips and tools for professional development include making your aptitudes and accomplishments more visible.
The people around you dictate your success. They can also forecast our failure.
One of the keys to happiness -- as well as productivity and effectiveness at work -- is finding work you love, that you’re passionate about. Work you want to do, instead of just have to do.
Our attention is often pulled in too many directions, leaving us feeling overloaded, distracted, chaotic, spread thinly, without focus. So what can you do?
When a problem is large or complex and the optimal solution is unclear, here's how to begin making progress towards a solution even though you can’t visualize the entire path.
Computer scientists have shown how crowdfunding websites can use data science to boost cash value of donations. Their research confirms,...
Life would be grand if we only did what our fleeting hearts wanted to do, each moment of the day. Unfortunately, the laundry, taxes and difficult conversations would never get done.
Following your passion can be a tough thing... but figuring out what that passion is can be even more elusive.
How much of your day is spent doing administrative tasks, and not creating or doing other important work?
There are a lot of people who read self-improvement blogs and books, but never put them into action. Are you one?
If you don’t know how, learn how. Use that fancy brain that learned how to walk, talk, and read. It’s still capable of further learning, is it not? Of course it is!
If you have ever wanted to know how to turn a content site into a virtual gold mine, you'd be smart to ask an expert how he or she managed it.
A reader recently asked, “How can an achievement-motivated workaholic learn to back off, relax, de-stress, and feel good about doing it? I am too driven!”
Excuses are lies we tell ourselves to avoid dealing with unpleasant truths. But as long as we buy into those excuses, we can never move past them.
None of us make decisions based on reality itself. We make decisions based on our beliefs about reality.
What is a mind map? Put simply, it's a type of diagram, used to help you outline information in a visual format. But really, a mindmap can be anything you need it to be.
Timeboxing is a simple time management technique you can use to take control of your time.
Let’s say you have an agenda, and every time one of you wandered off the agenda, you forced yourself to get back on it. Would the conversation be better or worse, with a set outcome?
We all know that if you’re truly passionate about something, productivity becomes largely irrelevant.
The paradox of happiness is that chasing it may actually make us less happy, a Stanford researcher says.
When someone has a great idea, they hoard that idea. They don’t give it away. They shelter and protect it. They keep it to themselves in fear that someone else might take it. Why would you do that?
Do you have dreams you want to pursue, but never seem to have the time because of the twin demands of work and family?
We all have days when we’re just not very inspired, when we need passion and creativity breathed into us.
I couldn't motivate myself to do anything important this morning, which is a rare thing for me. I started to doubt myself, and wonder whether anything I do is worthwhile.
Does your small business maintain a Facebook page? Are you thinking about venturing into social media with a presence on this ever-growing social network?
If you don’t believe you’ll succeed, then some parts of you will resist your goal, and your progress will be frustratingly slow.
Choosing a business name is an important step in the business planning process. Here are some tips to help you pick, register, and protect your name.