It's not just in movies where nerds get their revenge.
If you want to be an effective entrepreneur, you should have at least 10 good friends who are already successful entrepreneurs. Few entrepreneurs succeed in isolation, because, business is a social game.
Most self-help books on the subject offer tips on how to maximize one’s bliss, but one study suggests that moderate happiness may be preferable to full-fledged elation.
Styles change and fashions evolve. But why do some things become more popular than others?
What if you currently live a very comfortable lifestyle and you have a lot of assets? How can you justify running off to do what truly makes you happy if it might put all your current assets at risk?
Gretchen Rubin is a published author who wrote 'The Happiness Project' -- a memoir about how test-driving every principle, tip, theory, and scientific study she could find -- whether from Aristotle or St Therese or Martin Seligman or Oprah.
Everyone is essentially self-employed -- and that even if you're an employee, you should think of yourself as the President of your own personal services corporation.
Contrary to popular belief, the people who become truly famous, stay famous for decades.
If you want to make a difference in the world, the single most important thing you can do is consciously and deliberately choose to do work that you are passionate about.
Too often we get stuck in inaction -- the quagmire of doubt and perfectionism and distractions and planning that stops us from moving forward.
"Over the course of five years, I've managed to pay off over $35,000 in debt, quit my day job, and go from having nothing saved to fully funding my retirement accounts every year. In the process, I've developed a 14-point philosophy."
Iconoclasts are individuals who do things that others say can't be done.
Research shows that how people view their abilities in the workplace impacts how they respond to success.
I'm often asked how you can start doing work you love - how you can make a living doing something you’re passionate about.
When the St Louis Cardinals lost the World Series, just how much shame did the players feel?
When I wrote the first words of my blog, more than five years ago, I had no idea those few keystrokes would change my life.
I sat in a crowd of 45,000 in 2013, watching super-billionaire investors Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger riff off each other and deliver quick wit and worldly wisdom about finances and life in general...
Can money buy happiness? Is ignorance truly bliss? Are happy people shallow and unaware of the problems of the world? Can a person be too happy?
Many people who are new to entrepreneurship approach the world of business in some rather funky ways.
Here is list of 27 traits that distinguish successful people from ordinary people. If you take the commitment to apply every day each principle in your life, you’ll start to see amazing results in no time.
Pride in success can prevent us from taking further action toward our goals. We should not allow our brains to convince us that a failure is a success just so that we can stop trying.
First, you must decide exactly what it is you want to accomplish. And secondly, you must determine what price you'll have to pay to get it, and then resolve to pay that price.
I’m sure you've heard the saying before: “Do what you love and the money will follow.” Sometimes the money does follow when you do what you love. Sometimes the magic works. But most of the time, it does not.
Whether it's for money, marbles or chalk, the brains of reward-driven people keep their game faces on, helping them win at every step of the way. Surprisingly, they win most often when there is no reward.
Studies reveal that in the dog-eat-dog, look-out-for-Number 1, highly-competitive business world, only the aggressive, risk-taking alpha male can expect to succeed as an entrepreneur.
One of the biggest challenges in meeting any goal, whether it be related to productivity, waking early, changing a habit, exercising, or just becoming happier, is finding the motivation to stick with it.
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