Maintaining an interest in the goals you pursue can improve your work and reduce burnout, according to research from Duke University.
Reading teaches us a lot, but it’s in the actual doing of things that we do our real learning.
In this video with Bryan Elliott for "Behind the Brand," best-selling entrepreneur, marketer and author Seth Godin shares his views on taking risks, challenging the status quo, and starting a business.
For many freelancers, success and more income come from nurturing and deepening relationships they already have. Here are some ways you can do this.
It’s very simple: your MIT is the task you most want or need to get done today.
Tips and tools for professional development include making your aptitudes and accomplishments more visible.
Think big. Live to the max. Change the world. These high-flying statements are meant to encourage us to achieve great things with our lives. But, rather than being an inspiration, do such huge goals just leave you feeling overwhelmed instead?
Keep refreshing your goals in your mind, so you think about them often. Here are some ways to do just that.
The people around you dictate your success. They can also forecast our failure.
Creativity is not instantaneous, but if incentives promote enough ideas as seeds for thought, creativity eventually emerges. Find out a big creative workaround here!
Science has shown that even a brief sleep - a power nap - can significantly improve your ability to remember what you've learned. Here's how.
When a problem is large or complex and the optimal solution is unclear, here's how to begin making progress towards a solution even though you can’t visualize the entire path.
Life's greatest tragedy consists of men and women who earnestly try, and fail! The tragedy lies in the overwhelmingly large majority of people who fail, as compared to the few who succeed.
Computer scientists have shown how crowdfunding websites can use data science to boost cash value of donations. Their research confirms,...
It is a beautiful thing to create, to produce, to go out there in the world and make a contribution. But it is just as important that we teach others to create and produce, that we encourage them...
A common mistake people make is that they’ll spend 500 hours creating a product and then 20 hours promoting it. Then they wonder why no one is buying.
How much of your day is spent doing administrative tasks, and not creating or doing other important work?
There are a lot of people who read self-improvement blogs and books, but never put them into action. Are you one?
If you don’t know how, learn how. Use that fancy brain that learned how to walk, talk, and read. It’s still capable of further learning, is it not? Of course it is!
A researcher has found that the specific colors used in a company’s logo have a significant impact on how that logo, and the brand as a whole, is viewed by consumers.
A reader recently asked, “How can an achievement-motivated workaholic learn to back off, relax, de-stress, and feel good about doing it? I am too driven!”
The authors of this study looked closely at the ways beginners versus experts respond to negative or positive feedback.
Procrastination is in all of us, and one of the best ways to procrastinate is to do all the busy-work that makes us feel like we’re doing stuff -- while not doing the stuff we know we should be doing.
Excuses are lies we tell ourselves to avoid dealing with unpleasant truths. But as long as we buy into those excuses, we can never move past them.
Following this method, you can process your inbox in less than 5 minutes if you’re quick.
Employees who pursue creative activities outside of work may find that these activities boost their performance on the job.
This checklist by Dr María Machón includes typical triggers for procrastination, along with possible solutions for each trigger.
Let’s say you are sitting at your desk, with something to write, and you notice some anxiety… and an urge...
What is a mind map? Put simply, it's a type of diagram, used to help you outline information in a visual format. But really, a mindmap can be anything you need it to be.
Study by USC Marshall School of Business and USC faculty illuminates how facial expressions affect cooperation While Disney’s Frozen Academy...