You know what it's like: No focus, lots of stress, lots of mental exhaustion without really getting anything done.
Fifty years ago, an old country doctor drove to town, hitched his horse, quietly slipped into a drug store by the back door. His mission was destined to bring to the South the most far-flung benefit since the Civil War.
This checklist by Dr María Machón includes typical triggers for procrastination, along with possible solutions for each trigger.
In today's world, many are are engaged in wide, internet-based searches for seed money to launch entrepreneurial ventures. But what guidelines exist as to the best way to go about securing this kind of funding?
Following this method, you can process your inbox in less than 5 minutes if you’re quick.
Only the author or those deriving rights from the author can rightfully claim copyright to a work, with one exception: works made for hire.
Just being in the same room as greatness can inspire you to new levels of the possible.
After you see the #1 habit, please scroll down for #2. They might seem contradictory, but you can't hit your creative stride until you find a way to balance both.
If you don’t know how, learn how. Use that fancy brain that learned how to walk, talk, and read. It’s still capable of further learning, is it not? Of course it is!
One of the keys to happiness -- as well as productivity and effectiveness at work -- is finding work you love, that you’re passionate about. Work you want to do, instead of just have to do.
I make a living doing what I love, and doing what you love for a living is fantastic.
We all procrastinate. I put off writing this article by doing a bunch of smaller tasks, for example. They were less important and I knew it, but they were quick tasks and so easier than writing an article on a tough topic.
Although the marketing slogan suggests that Barbie can "Be Anything," girls who play with this extremely popular doll see fewer career options available to themselves compared to boys.
What is a mind map? Put simply, it's a type of diagram, used to help you outline information in a visual format. But really, a mindmap can be anything you need it to be.
When people feel they’ve hit a roadblock in reaching a personal goal, such as losing weight, a change in perspective...
It’s amazing how many people I talk to who tell me they want to create a new blog, write a book, start a new business, change careers, make something new.
Here are the basics every LLC owner should know about operating agreements.
From the moment you start-up (when no one has ever heard of you), having a well-rehearsed and compelling elevator pitch can help buyers, clients and potential investors get to know you quickly.
Creativity is not instantaneous, but if incentives promote enough ideas as seeds for thought, creativity eventually emerges. Find out a big creative workaround here!
A researcher demystifies this game of success, and shows that exceptional performance is not necessarily the direct result of special talent, experience, or sheer luck.
Too often we get stuck in inaction -- the quagmire of doubt and perfectionism and distractions and planning that stops us from moving forward.
Everyone is essentially self-employed -- and that even if you're an employee, you should think of yourself as the President of your own personal services corporation.
Sometimes you need to become unbalanced in order to get things done. If you’re working on a book, launching a business or trying to overhaul some part of your life, you can probably relate.
I've been a professional writer since I was 17, so nearly 24 years now. I’ve made my living with words, and have written a lot of them -- more than 10 million.
When asked during an interview how he managed to reach the top as a professional bodybuilder and Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger replied with a single word: "Drive!"
Impulse and determination: Those two are probably the most important keywords of my life.
Self-employed male Britons have been found to work longer hours for lower wages than those of their employee counterparts. This...
A study of the sexes reveals that when it comes to starting a business, women are more likely than men to consider individual responsibility, and use business as a vehicle for social and environmental change.
The trope that the likelihood of an accurate group decision increases with the abundance of brains involved might not hold up when a collective faces a variety of factors -- as often happens in life and nature.
Timeboxing is a simple time management technique you can use to take control of your time.